36: Become a Better Interviewer with Mike and Kim Barnes 

Thought Leadership Series

In today’s episode, we learn how to become a better interviewer from our guests Mike and Kim Barnes. If you remember from our last episode, they have a unique perspective after working on the news for 30 years. Kim was an award-winning reporter and news anchor for 15 years and Mike was an award-winning sportscaster for 29 years. 

Now, they coach clients on camera impact in virtual communication, video and media interviews, and public speaking through their business, Barnes Team Media. They also recently launched a business named Parenting Aging Parents to support and guide others caring for aging parents. 

In today’s interview, Kim and Mike share how we can become better interviewers. When it comes to interviewing, don’t just stick to the questions. Take your time and listen to what the person you’re interviewing has to share, respond accordingly, and pay attention to a great story you may have otherwise missed.

When it comes to preparation, know what the focus of the interview is whether it’s the topic or the actual person. Look for common ground and allow the conversation to flow comfortably. 

If your interview starts to sound scripted, you may begin to lose the connection. The interaction between a host and guest during an interview is so important because it keeps the guest comfortable and focused as well as holds the audience’s attention throughout the interview. 

To learn more about becoming a better interviewer, tune into today’s episode for Kim and Mike’s insider interviewing tips. 

This episode at glance … 

> ( 0:16 to 1:53 ) An introduction on guest speakers, Kim and Mike Barnes and Barnes Team Media. 

> ( 2:18 to 6:28 ) How can I become a stronger interviewer and make the most out of each interview? Make the guest comfortable by having a regular conversation with them a few minutes beforehand. This helps them relax, focus on you, and treat the interview more like having a conversation with a friend so that it goes smoothly and is more interesting for your audience. 

> ( 6:30 to 13:42 ) How to avoid coming across in the wrong way when interviewing when you want to hear a specific topic. Being a better listener and aware of what the person you’re interviewing is sharing with you. 

> ( 15:50 to 17:22 ) What are they saying? What means a lot to the person you are interviewing? Take the time to truly listen to their answers and respond to what they want to share with you. 

> ( 17:40 to 21:00 ) What to look for when interviewing? Tips to research and prepare for the interview. 

> ( 21:30 to 27:48 ) What separates great interviewers from others? 

Links in the episode & ways to reach Christie







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