32: Thought leader series: Podcast guest speaking

Today’s episode shares a strategy that grows your thought leadership by consistently speaking as an expert in front of other audiences as a podcast guest speaker. 

This year I moved to an agency model to help clients get booked on podcasts as guest speakers because I found it’s an incredible way to grow your business. In this episode, I discuss why you should consider adding podcast guest speaking as a key component of your marketing strategy as well as tips on how to get started and show up as a thought leader. 

Why do I recommend that you include podcast guest speaking as part of your marketing strategy? 

It’s important to reach out to your existing audience to nurture those relationships but consistent growth happens when you get in front of new audiences on a regular basis. 

Speaking as a guest expert on someone else’s podcast benefits you because that host has an established audience who trusts them. When he/she introduces you as an expert in your field, the audience will automatically associate you as an expert in your field without requiring you to sell yourself on why you are an expert. Your credibility is built in. What a relief!

As a platform, podcasting is unlike other digital marketing platforms because more than 80% of  people tune in for an entire episode, which often lasts for 30-60 minutes. This gives ample time to share who you are, your stories, what’s influenced you, and your recommendations. In a single episode, you can accomplish what would otherwise take nearly a dozen touchpoints. It’s an incredibly fast way to grow the know, like, and trust factor to build your authority and generate quality leads. 

If this sounds like something you’d like to learn, tune into today’s episode to take a deeper look into how to grow your business and authority with podcast guest speaking.

A glance at today’s episode … 

>{ 1:56 to 2:49 } Since podcast guest speaking is my agency’s signature offer, I’m today’s featured speaker and am sharing all of my top tips on the subject. 

Find out why I shifted my business to emphasize podcast guest speaking and why I recommend you include it in your marketing strategy. 

>{ 3:19 to 3:43 } Podcast guest speaking grows your business by introducing you to new audiences as an authority and expert in your field. When you turn this strategy into a system, you will experience consistent growth by continually speaking in front of more of your ideal audiences.

>{ 5:20 to 5:55 } Podcasting is a unique platform because 80% of audiences tune in for the entire episode. Most episodes last 30 to 60 minutes, giving you ample time to showcase your personality, expertise, wisdom, and recommendations. You can cultivate new relationships with a brand new audience in a single episode.

>{ 7:41 to 8:20 } How do I go about it? What do I recommend first? How do you maximize your efforts? 

> { 13:50 to 14:17 } You’re booked, now what?  How do you prepare to be a great guest and show up as a thought leader? What should be the focal point of the interview? How do you monetize your efforts?

>{ 22:51 to 23:18 } Once your episode airs, that episode’s link will go to work for you for years to come. Learn several benefits of each episode and how to maximize your results. 

Links in the episode & ways to reach Christie



Download my free guide: 10 Tips to Grow Your Business as a Podcast Guest

Instagram: https://instagram.com/christiebilbrey 

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/christiebilbrey/